BSAC aim is to encourage thoughtful discussion and a love of reading in young people. The intent of reading books is “to allow students to practice and develop the skills and strategies of good readers”


With a keen interest in inculcating reading habits in children belonging to the community, BSAC’s main objective is to provide easy access to books and increasing awareness about the benefits of reading among school going children and the general public in the target group.

  • School library activities are conducted in 5 schools with more than 500 children from the 6th to 10th standards have access to books during school hours.

  • The community reading circle program also takes books to the doorsteps of the community by lending books to people in their houses twice a week. Reading circles formed in 5 target communities with community members which allow them to have access to books regularly and also top promote the habit of reading.

  • International Book Day and Children’s Books Day are celebrated to motivate more individual to build reading habit.

Recent Donations

  • Education

    Supplementary Education Programme
    Libraries and Reading Circles
  • Skill Building

    Aarvam Tailoring Unit
  • Child Rights

    Child Rights